Friday, 11 August 2006

Red kites

I could knock a red kite out of a tree with an apple from the bedroom window - which I think, on balance, is a good thing. Mind you, thinking about it, the kite is a sturdy bird, so it would probably take something like a bramley to knock it off a branch.
And to be honest, a bramley is a heavy old apple - I'm not convinced I could throw it far enough. A cox - yes, no problem. But would a cox be enough to knock a kite off a branch? I suspect not.

On balance therefore, I am forced to concede that no, I probably couldn't knock a kite out of a tree from here given the size/weight of apple versus distance to tree dichotomy outlined above. Sure, if I threw a bramley in the direction of a kite in a tree, it may well decide of its own volition to take evasive action, such as flying off, in order to protect itself against the outside possibility of a really exceptional throw. However, this would clearly be a case of me throwing an apple leading to a kite leaving a tree, rather than me being able to claim actually knocking it from said tree.

I apologise for any confusion this has caused.

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